Zihui Lu received her PhD in Japanese Studies from National University of Singapore. She specializes in popular theater in Japan and China, popular culture in contemporary Japan, and intermediality in theater and performance. She is currently working on a manuscript on Japanese 2.5-dimensional theater – a type of popular theater adapted from manga, anime, and video games. She is also conducting a research project regarding Chinese IP theater and IP industry. Zihui works as the Junior Fellow in the Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts at Southern University of Science and Technology, where she teaches three courses: Introduction to Japanese Studies: History, Culture, and Society; Popular Culture in Contemporary Japan; and Introduction to Japanese Theater.
陆子惠. 以歌舞连接的次元:日本2.5次元音乐剧的表演美学[J].北京舞蹈学院学报,2020(5), 74-80.
Lu, Zihui. “Idolized Popular Performance: Musical The Prince of Tennis and Japanese 2.5-Dimensional Theatre” Popular Entertainment Studies 10, no. 1-2 (2019), 6-18.
Lu, Zihui. “Japanese 2.5-Dimensional Theater in China: A Case Study on Onmyōji~Heian Emaki~” Asian Theatre Journal (under review)
陆子惠.戏剧与表演中的媒介间性[M]//邓菡彬.当代欧美戏剧理论.南京:南京大学出版社. (编写中)
Introduction to Japanese Studies: History, Society and Culture
Popular Culture in Contemporary Japan
Introduction to Japanese Theater