I am a literary scholar working on the intersections that cross literature, memory, trauma and intercultural dialogue. My research explores how individuals and communities voice experiences of suffering and violence and how such narratives interact in a transnational network of collective memories. Originally trained as specialist in Italian literary history (Laurea magistrale, University of Pavia, PhD, Brown University), my studies have focused on the impact of the Holocaust in European postwar culture. In the field of early modern studies I'm fascinated by medieval travel literature and I am developing a digital humanities project about Marco Polo's Divisament dou Monde, one the masterpieces of European geographical literature in the Middle Ages. Before joining the Society of Fellows at SUSTech I have studied and worked at the University of Pavia, Trinity College Dublin, University of Cambridge, Florida State University, Brown University and Hamburg Universität.
Research Portfolio
Digital Projects
Edited Volumes
Peer Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters